See? Even the kid is bored! So we should get started ....
HELLO! If you can't tell from the dramatic, all-caps salutation, I am very excited to share some updates with you. But first, let's review.
Last time we talked, Alonso and I had just gotten back from our mission trip to Panama and we were watching God blow our socks off with His provision. He not only provided all the money needed for the trip but also used several of His people to bless us with extra support for our monthly expenses here. PEAISE GOD for you people. Your generous actions have been clutch.
At the time, we were waiting to pick up some of the final documents needed to start our visa application from the courthouse and were anxious to receive them. Also during that time, Alonso started his blog and let's just say he's been more faithful with his than I have with mine. (Ooops!) He has a lot of good stuff to say and you can read it all HERE!
Since then, we've gotten all the paperwork needed to send in our initial petition for Alonso's visa. We had to snail-mail them to our attorney in Mississippi and after sitting in customs for 20 days, they finally arrived safely. Our poor attorney, he's been such a trooper and put up with me blowing up his inbox. #blessit #iamtooimpatientforthis
On another note, Alonso has started drinking less coke and more water. Probably just because he got tired of me nagging him about. But hey, whatever works, right?
I recently told my kids that their last day of school (July 4th) is also my last day of school. It was hard, man. I love those little people like they are my own. But this point leads to my next update...
I'M MOVING HOME, sort of! Alonso and I have some ministry stuff to wrap up and take care of during July and then I'm flying home early August. My little sister graduates from William Carey with her MASTERS in Psychology (shoutout to her awesomeness) on August 9th. Then, in September my family is going on an Alaskan cruise! YAY!! With me on the mission field for the last two years and Lesley finishing school and working, it's been a REAL hot minute since we had a family vacation. Also, we didn't really throw down for my parents 25th wedding anniversary and this year will be their 30th so we're wrapping it all up in a cruise and calling it family vacay! Oh, also? Anyone remember Jennifer? My sister/exchange student from Ecuador? She's coming too!!! SCORE! So I will be home for .... well, who knows how long? before I come back to Costa Rica to be with my beau and help him with ministry here.
Speaking of him again, did I mention his band? Yeah - his band got back together and it's going really well. Not exactly my choice of musical genre but they sing unto the Lord and that's what is important, right? So they've been recording their newest album and getting ready for some gigs they have coming up. You can follow them on Instagram HERE! So as far as ministry goes, God has opened some crazy-awesome doors for their band to minister to people who may not otherwise listen to the gospel. It's fun for me to watch.

Alonso is also finishing school and doing some graphic designing. He's all sorts of talented at that so if you need some graphics for, I don't know, whatever you might need graphical design for, let me know! I'll hook you up ;) A website? A logo? A band? Branding? I don't know about all that jazz but it sounds important.
We still don't have a wedding date because, like I've said before, we depend on the timing of the visa - unfortunately. So one of the BIGGEST prayer requests we have right now is for God to move us through the system VERY quickly. Some people go through in 5 months, other go through in 8, and for others it takes years. We need and want to go as quickly as possibly while obviously acknowledging Who is controlling it all.
Well, I believe that's a wrap for now.
Leave a comment and update us on really cool things happening in YOUR life!
Mucho love,
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