It's Different Here...

They told us before we left to clear our expectations. To not expect anything because anything can happen. How right they were.

I won't pretend like its ungodly hot or the poverty here is overwhelming. We are ministering in a part of town that has running water and most of the time it's hot. The air in the mountain (where we are staying) is cool and at night I can hear the wind beating fiercely against my window. Although it's sometimes scary, I wouldn't trade it for heat. Even when we go down to the city, it's not too bad. The ride is bumpy and I want to throw up every time. But once we get there and I see Saraita running toward me with candy or ice cream or whatever she bought me that day, I forget that my stomach is still settling from the bumps and holes in the road. This is Sarita:

My ankle is still swelling by the day and turning funny colors but our Father has provided for me to be able to walk. I was playing futbol (soccer) in a field when my foot planted in a hole and sprained my ankle. This  is the soccer "field" we were playing in:

And this is Chad wrapping it. Such a good Sports Outreach Coordinator (or whatever his official title is)

My translator is awesome and my national is amazing. It's no wonder the pastors here are so burdened for their country. The people are so sweet. So open. When I ask someone how I can pray for them, sometimes I get more than I wanted to know. This would never happen in the states. We're way too put-together to let anyone knock on our door, tell us about their God, and then tell them about all the problems in our lives and how they can pray. Oh, but here.... here it different. Here, there are lost people everywhere you turn but they are hungry. They are hungry and receptive. They cannot wait to share their new hope with their friends. It's not like that at home. But here... here is different. 

At home I'm intimidated to share Jesus with some people. Will I embarrass them? Will my words be persuasive enough to make them want to live for Him? But not here, here is different. In Costa Rica, people talk loudly and they don't care who hears. My nationals are bold and have courage like you  have never seen. 

I'm sure I will eventually tell stories of my time in Costa Rica. Many people I have met are story-worthy. But for now, as I soak it all up and take it all in, one verse is so relevant for everything happening here. 

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." 1 John 4:4

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