Painting Finger Nails

* this post is actually from yesterday but I, obviously didn't have internet access when I wrote it *

today is the day. it's not just talk anymore. it's normally a rather long process - dragging me out of bed. oh, but not today. for today is the beginning of a beautiful adventure with my Savior.

as mom paints my finger nails, i wonder how long these coats will last before i have to touch them up again. before i have to fill in the parts that scratch or peel off. as i look down at my freshly pink finger nails, i'm pleased. because my mom, who is a master nail painter, has done well. in my bedroom is playing david crowder's musical stylings of "like a lion." as i approach my door i can feel my adrenaline start to rush. "my God is not dead. He's surely alive and He's living on the inside roaring like a lion." oh, dear reader, our God is certainly not dead. He is living in us- in the deepest parts of us that no one ever sees and the parts we hope no one ever will. i cannot wait to tell some costa ricans how alive He truly is.

as i finish packing my last minute items, i think about how God must look at me the same way i look at my newly decorated finger nails- pleased. for He has taken off the old color, buffed and filed away at the edges, layer one... layer two... top coat. He has prepared me for what's to come in the following days. layer after layer He has poured out His wisdom and love on this helpless sinner and sealed it with a top coat. as mom painted on the last layer i commented, "the clear coat always makes it so much better. so shiny and pretty." and at the end of the manicure, i suppose He looks down, and is pleased. for He is a master at what He does. and He, the master refiner, has done well.

knowing that i will undoubtedly scratch and peel some places off and He will have to touch them up. still, He paints happily. for He is a mater at what He does.

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