9 Days...

9 days ago it was the beginning of a new month that would bring lots of changes. Birthday season, my family likes to call it, change of color on the trees, change of weather patterns, change of seasons all together, and a change in my everyday routine. My sister, dad, cousins, great-grandmother, and myself all share a birthday season. The colors on the trees are beyond words at times and the weather is almost perfect when it's starting to turn cold. And most importantly, the change in my daily routine: Costa Rica.              In 9 days I will be getting on an airplane in New Orleans, LA and after a connecting flight or two, I'll land in San Jose, Costa Rica. I'll be there for 9 days. I can't exactly explain my expectations because they aren't very specific. I know that I will see God. His handprint is all over the place, we just choose not to see it sometimes. I cannot wait to see it in Costa Rica.

My journey of preparation started out slow. I was added to the team late so I had approximately a month and a half to raise funds, gather lots of information, meet my teammates via Skype, and prepare myself spiritually and mentally. I suppose I did most of this out of order because the practical stuff came first. After getting over the fears of traveling alone and with a team of people I'd never met, I began to focus on funds. I immediately sent out support letters and got very few responses. I wasn't discouraged because I knew I still had time. As weeks went by, life happened and I got distracted. I thought about the trip frequently but did nothing to proactively prepare neither tangibly nor spiritually. 
In the last 15 days, however, I have received my "Go Kit" from iamsecond.com complete with a bag, t-shirt, eCubes, prayer bracelets, prayer journals, guidebooks, literature, iamsecond business cards, and more.
My teammate Mandy blogged that receiving this kit made the trip become real to her. I'd have to agree.

Last Sunday, my home church announced my trip and that I'd be in the lobby after the service with a sheet for people to join our team by being be a prayer warrior. I'll be honest, I expected that list to be made up of people older than me; People from the generation above me. But to my surprise, one after one, college students came by to say that would pray for me and sign up. As I gave them a prayer bracelet most smiled and said, "I'll be praying." There were a few who jokingly said, "Sure I guess I'll pray... if I have to." But all in all, they said they would pray. And to me, that is worth more than if they'd said they were funding the whole trip. To witness my generation expressing such a passion for Jesus - well, it's incredible. To hear them say, "I'm just a broke college kid, but I'm going to pray for your team and the Costa Ricans you encounter." Wow. 

Along with my parents, my close friends have been unbelievably supportive. 
KK has listened to me vent fears and battles and struggles more times than he probably wanted. I call him brother and he calls me sister.

Laura, all the way from Haiti, has told me time and time again that our God is going to work it out. I miss her more than I can explain. 

J has been SUCH a prayer warrior, interceding for me, throughout this whole process. Her daughter prays for me too. 

I couldn't have asked for more encouragement from Jillian, and Erin (while being a broke college kid, haha) donated to my trip as a birthday gift to me. 
Erin is on the left, in the Saints shirt. 
Sweet Jillian! 

And I'm MOST excited to report what God has done. Sunday afternoon I had $700 in my trip account and every single day since then, I have prayed, 
"Lord, I have no idea where this money is going to come from. You do. And I trust You. I'm so scared. But I trust You." 
Today I checked and I have $1300. In three days... really, God? I e-mailed my AWESOME team leader, Yvonne, and told her to go ahead and take out some of my money for the sports ministry equipment that we need because I don't feel like God is finished providing. He has been so faithful that it sometimes blows my mind. The fact that I even have this opportunity is crazy and He just keeps making it better.

Thank you Father, for knowing me. Thank you for going before me and after me and never leaving me anywhere in between. You are so holy and gracious. Thank you for being sovereign over all things, including this one. Amen.  

In 9 days I will board a plane in the U.S. and land in San Jose. For 9 days I will experience the love and power of Jesus in another culture with people who have never heard His name. For 18 days... I hope that you will be praying :) 

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