How I Made a No-Sew Sink Skirt in 5 Easy Steps

Since it's Saturday and I don't have to go to school, I decided to be productive and do very important things like sleep late, cook a big breakfast that I didn't eat all of, and waste a lot of time online looking at wedding planning websites. Once I was bored with all of that and decided to shower, I couldn't handle another second of my bathroom not being spotless so I started cleaning it. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned longer and harder than ever before. I cleaned spots I never even knew existed in my bathroom - only to discover that I have a really, really ugly pedestal sink. Something had to change.

I knew I wanted a sink skirt but I don't have a sewing machine and even if I did, I wouldn't know the first thing about using it. (I'm remembering back to the World Race when, in South Africa, my best-race-friend Amy taught me how to sew and we helped young girls produce more purses to sale. Thanks, Amy!) Regardless, that was like 80 years ago and I remember nothing. So... I needed to find a way to make this bad boy without a Singer.

I googled it up and read several articles but it basically came down to a combination of a few. It was SO SUPER easy but only because I had a hot little assistant helping me through the whole thing. So here we go... this is how it went down.

1. Alonso and I went downtown to the fabric store to choose a material that would match my bathroom.
(Yay for no makeup days!) 

 2. We measured the sink area to know how big we needed the skirt to be. 

Then stretched out our materials on a hard, flat surface. For me, my living room floor. 

3. While down there, we cut the fabric to size and hemmed each side with this little miracle worker ....

(Life saver for a non-semstrist like me!)

4. We stuck our sticky-back velcro (that we bought at a local crafty store) to the edges of the sink and then the other half of it to the skirt. 

(Oh hey there, newly placed engagement ring!! ;) 
5. Finally, we stuck the skirt to the velcro and VUALA! 
My bathroom took a turn for the better. More colorful, more neat, and more hiding plungers and toilet bowl cleaners behind the skirt. Can I get an AMEN for hiding the gross stuff?

So... drumroll please! My first DIY project in Costa Rica presents:

The Final Project 

And it matches perfectly with my presh shower curtain!

What DIY projects are you working on these days? How did you do it? And was it cheap enough for a broke missionary like me to take on? :) 

FAQs About Our Engagement

** Click HERE to read the story of how he proposed and click HERE to watch the video of it ** 

Since Monday, the day Alonso asked me to spend the rest of my life as his wifemany of you have asked a lot of the same questions. So I thought it would be easy for me to answer all of them here so you can hear all of the juicy parts ;) Just kidding, I’ll have to write a whole blog series on our story but for now, here are some FAQs about Alonso and I:

Frequently Asked Questions

 1.    Have you set a date?

No. For one, we’ve only been engaged three days. I need to soak this in a little more and savor the moment. But also, we have to go through the legal process of getting a fiancé visa. Until that ball has been rolling for a few months, we won’t know a general season to start planning for.

 2.     What is a fiancé visa and why do you need one? In other words, what the heck are you talking about, Ashli??

Because Alonso is a citizen of Costa Rica, he needs a visa in order to enter the United States. There are several different types of visas including tourism, fiancé, and spouse. The fiancé, or K-1, visa allows us access to get married on US soil which, for many reasons, will be better for us in the long run.
*** Our plan, as of now, is to MOVE TO, MARRY IN, and LIVE IN the States for a season. We want to do whatever God says. So for now, the idea is to move (to my) home and set a foundation there. Grow some roots and whatnot. Maybe have a kid or two, who knows?? Maybe God calls us out - maybe He doesn't. We shall see. *** 

 3.     Why are you always saying you need prayer through the visa process? Isn’t it just some applications and an interview or something?  How does this process even work?

If only. It’s piles and piles of paperwork, a lot of red tape cutting, vaccinations, medical physicals, document copying, interviews, and more. (The hand of our sovereign Lord is with us. HIS time is more perfect that we can fathom). Here’s how the process works – We mail in an application along with a big fat filing fee and documents upon documents. That begins the process. After that, the tape cutting, copying, shots, etc. happens and then, around 5-6 months later, a final interview. On the day of the interview we will find out if we’re approved or denied. In Jesus name, we will be approved. From that point, Alonso's visa will be valid for 6 months to enter the US. Once he lands on US soil, we have 90 days to tie the knot.

 4.     Are you nervous about the visa process? How are you feeling?

To say the least, yes. We have mixed emotions. It’s an exciting time and we know we are working toward an end goal of becoming ONE. But we know from experience with governments and immigration as well as from other couples we’ve talked to that this is a rollercoaster ride of big ups and big downs. However, we’re ready for the ride because we know WHO determines the route of the rollercoaster.

 5.     So then why don’t you just get married down there, in Costa Rica?

Well, it’s not that simple. For many reasons, it will be better for us to marry in the US. For one, if we marry here first, we will need to apply for a “Spouse Visa” in order for us to come back to the US. It’s a much longer, more expensive, grueling process. We prefer the shorter, less expensive one.  For two, his US residency is much more valuable to us than my Costa Rica residency. Because I’m a US citizen, I can come and go from from Costa Rica whenever. It’s not that easy for him to go in and out of the US.

 6.     Wait, so just how expensive IS this whole thing?

Hmmm. More than we care to think about. The number one advice we’ve received from other couples who have gone through this was: HIRE AN IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY. Anyone can do this on their own but having an immigration attorney has endless benefits. One slip of the pen on paperwork and your case can be set back months. Therefore we intend to retain and attorney. (No, my dad cannot do it because he does not specialize in immigration and therefore knows very little about it. Thanks anyway, Daddy!)

So to hire an attorney is about $2000 before filing fees and those little bad boys can total about $1000. So we’re looking at 3K just to get Alonso to the States. Once we’re married we’ll need to apply for residency. That’s about a two-year process in which will cost us a sold 3K more.

So by the end of this thing, we’ll be spending about $6,000 on attorneys and fees.
We’re both missionaries. So yes, donations are welcomed.

 7.     Have your parents met Alonso?

Yes and no. My mom has had the pleasure of meeting him in person when she helped me move here. My dad and sister have met him over FaceTime. Praise God for technology. We FaceTime my parents and sister all the time.

 8.     So where will you get married? Do you know a general time frame?

WHEN the visa process runs smoothly (keep the faith), we should be able to start everything around mid-May.  That would put us in the States this fall, having 90 days to get married. So yeah, we would love to get married this fall/winter but again, we have a process to get through. As far as the location, we are EXTREMELY excited about an AMAZING new venue that shall remain nameless for now. Mostly because they are still building and want us to be the FIRST WEDDING in the venue so I can’t very well give away all my secrets, now can I? ;) Stay tuned to hear about the awesome new partnership we’re starting with this venue.

 9. What is this #ashlonso thing I'm seeing everywhere?

Well, Ashlonso is obviously a combination of our names. But when someone posts a picture or anything with the hashtag #ashlonso, it saves all those posts together. So anytime I want, I can click on the hashtag and see all the pictures and posts with that has tag. If you're going to post about us - be it a photo or words or anything - we ask that you join the hashhtag club and stick an #ashlonso on it! ;)

10. Do you and Alonso speak English or Spanish to each other?

Both. While Alonso speaks perfect English, I do not speak perfect Spanish. So naturally, English comes out more. We speak Spanish to Ticos and English to Gringos. :)

Well, I think that about covers it. What am I missing? What questions do you have that I have not answered here?

** Click HERE to read the story of how he proposed and click HERE to watch the video of it ** 

He Asked, I said, "Yes!"

I went to school like any other day. I noticed my students were acting really weird. They really love Alonso and ask about him often but today was different. They kept asking if he was "coming to see us" and asking to call him. Why would they want to call him? So weird. I went to talk to the Passport team who is serving here this month and they were weird too. Their door was locked and they were talking to me through the door - which was odd. I told Callie, "Stop being a weirdo today!" 

Later I went downstairs to print something in the office and Dot (another team member) came with me. Little did I know, it was to supervise me. I saw some ladies from the office standing in the hallway whispering and they acted funny when I walked up. I was going up to my classroom to text my mom saying, "Either I'm super paranoid or people are being really weird with me today." I opened more door and found a classroom FULL of little people holding signs and screaming "WILL YOU MARRY MR. ALONSO??" 

Alonso then walked forward, said some stuff that I still don't remember, and got down on one knee. He was shaking so much that he dropped the ring and a student had to pick it up. I was freaking out and didn't even notice he dropped it until I looked back at the pictures. Seconds after I said YES and hugged Alonso, someone handed me a cell phone and said, "Here are your parents!" He thought to Skype them in so they could see the whole thing!

Then later that night, Alonso had planned a surprise engagement party at his mother's house. There, he gave me a scrapbook full of letters from close friends and family from home. He knew how important it was to me that they all be involved but since we live in Costa Rica and we can't fly them all here, he included them by having them send letters and pictures. He's amazing, and so are they.

I'm the happiest little girl in the world. I thank Jesus so much for being in control of my life. If I were in control I would have messed it up a long time ago. But thankful He saw a much bigger, better picture than I ever could and now I’m going to marry the most godly, incredible man that could have been created for me. I imagine God looking at me years ago saying, ‘Oh girl. If you only knew what is yet to come.”