"Dang it," I thought, "now I have to go write a blog."
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I know that many, if not all, of you follow my posts on Facebook which is wonderful, but Facebook never tells the whole story. For example, the recently established relationship with my man of choice. All you see on Facebook are some pics here and there with a short caption which is likely to be a sarcastic line of mine. But am I really being open about my life and what's happening here? Don't get me wrong. I don't think that anyone and everyone has the right to know every detail of my personal life just because I call myself a missionary. And I'm certainly not one to put my laundry (be it clean or dirty) on Front Street for the world to read about. But if I love all of you as much as I say I do, (and trust me, I do) then I should be updating you regularly for no other reason then to share my life on this side of the world with you.
For my lack of that, I am truly sorry.
Well, as long as we're on the topic, I might as well let you in on my little love adventure happening over here. His name is Alonso and he is all things Costa Rica. From music to soccer to patriotic pride, he truly represents Costa Rica well. However, before he ever knew I existed, God called him to be a missionary. What will that look like for him in the future? Neither of us know, only God does. We do know, though, that God is calling Him into bigger and deeper things than a normal, typical life (for lack of better words). And for that, he is very excited.
While he's not close to being perfect (sorry, Babe) he is a wonderful, strong man of God. It's really kind of cool for me to see God loving me through him. Thanks to my journey on the World Race, my eyes and heart were opened to many things that I now see benefiting my relationship with Alonso. I'm tempted to stop there and not say "too much" because that would be more socially acceptable. But when have I ever been one to follow social graces? And how will anyone ever be able to relate to me if I keep all the good stuff inside and never let you see me and my life for what it really is?
So on that note, Alonso and I both feel like God crossed our paths for a reason more than a good friendship. While we know that OUR desire is to continue a life together, we want to be sure that it's what God wants. Beyond that, we want everything to happen in God's time. Recently there have been a few tangible reminders of God showing us that His time is much more perfect that we can imagine. For that, we are beyond thankful.

1. I have committed to teach another semester here at Glory Christian School! I'm really excited for this because I feel like this year was just getting my feet wet. Next year I will be able to be more excellent at my work.
2. I've recently paid the deposit for my NEW APARTMENT here in Costa Rica!! This may not sound like much but when you live in another country with limited friend supply, no vehicle, and a big fat language barrier staring you in the face, you quickly become dependent on other people. VERY dependent. And I personally, hate every second of it.
To the point of wanting to retreat back to a country that I know well, I hate not being able to get around on my own. But since learning the public transportation system, getting a Price Smart membership (like SAM's Club or COSCO), and now a new apartment, I feel much better about being here. Also, the better my Spanish gets, the better my attitude toward the language barrier gets! ; ) Because hey, when in Costa Rica, do as the Ticos!
3. God sent me a roommate because He knew I couldn't afford to live there alone. Thank you Jesus! So I'm excited to welcome my new missionary-teacher-friend-roommate, Emilie, to Costa Rica in January!

4. I'M COMING HOME!!! December 22 - January 16. So: 1. I want to see you. 2. I want to speak at your church. 3. I want to see you. 4. I want to see you.
5. I got a new tattoo. If you want to see it, you'll have to watch for the next blog! : )
UPDATE: here's the blog!!
Love Peace and New Blog Updates,