The church I go to has a service on Saturday night and because I'm usually already in Hattiesburg on Saturday, I go to that one. I therefore had no obligations or responsibilities today. Because of this, I slept the day away - according to my boyfriend who never exaggerates the truth. So here I am at 11pm on Sunday evening writing a blog instead of enjoying some serious REM cycles. I have to wake up at 5:30am for work but hey, YOLO...... right?
It's been like 80 years since I last blogged and a lot has happened since then! Um for one, I have a boyfriend? I'm not really sure what to do with one of those but ... ya know, one day at time. And he's great. And supportive of the race - we'll see how hunky dory he is come September 1st.
For two, my fund raising has been a roller coaster ride. Slow -- fast --- up --- down --- and just when it gets boring, the bottom falls out and you "lose your stomach" which makes for a fun rest of the ride. Some people have been awesome and donated like $500 at a time while others have been awesome and donated $11 on the 11th of EVERY month. How cool are God's people? Like, seriously. Sometimes I still debate on making World Race t-shirts to raise money. I just don't know if I have the time... or patience.
Training camp is in 6 days - I'll be gone for 2 weeks - and well, it's starting to get serious. Until now, World Race has just been talk. Training camp has been talk. I had a mini freak out moment the other day. Me and the boyfrann bought a devo book to do together .... and then I realized it's a nine week study. NINE WEEKS. After training camp, I'll have five weeks left in the good ole states. FIVE WEEKS. I wanted to throw up and cry and send AIM an e-mail explaining why I've chosen not to go.
Then I imagined, for a moment, what that e-mail might sound like. That's when I remembered that He who is in me really is greater than he that is in the world. See, here's the thing: there are a million people in my life with a million different reasons for me not to go - some valid and some just plain ridiculous. But at the end of the day, despite the never-ending pain in my back and despite the fun times I am having right now with my family and friends and new love and despite the need here in the US, I have never... ever... not once... doubted that I was supposed to go. There have been times I wondered if God may be shutting a door but in the most deep parts of my heart, I knew He was sending me.
I know. He's sending me.
For three, I've been reading "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. I'll be honest. I've been reading it for about 6 months now -- I suck at reading, okay? Anyway, it's a great book - an easy read and I'd recommend it to anyone who... well, anyone. It's about being a follower of Jesus as opposed to a fan. Sometimes I feel like a fan.
Sometimes I am just a fan.
And other times I don't feel like I'm much of either. The truth is, I'd like to put time into my earthly relationships rather than the Eternal One. I'd rather surf Facebook than the New Testament and I'd like to hang out with girlfriends rather than small group.
But lucky for us, this world does not operate on my wants or desires but rather on His. We can't live according to our feelings and expectations but rather according to Truth.
So here I am, on this late Sunday evening thinking about the last few months and the next few to come and suddenly my anxieties and questions disappear. At the end of the day [literally] all I need is Jesus.
All I need is Him.
Goodnight, world.
It's been like 80 years since I last blogged and a lot has happened since then! Um for one, I have a boyfriend? I'm not really sure what to do with one of those but ... ya know, one day at time. And he's great. And supportive of the race - we'll see how hunky dory he is come September 1st.

Training camp is in 6 days - I'll be gone for 2 weeks - and well, it's starting to get serious. Until now, World Race has just been talk. Training camp has been talk. I had a mini freak out moment the other day. Me and the boyfrann bought a devo book to do together .... and then I realized it's a nine week study. NINE WEEKS. After training camp, I'll have five weeks left in the good ole states. FIVE WEEKS. I wanted to throw up and cry and send AIM an e-mail explaining why I've chosen not to go.

I know. He's sending me.
For three, I've been reading "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. I'll be honest. I've been reading it for about 6 months now -- I suck at reading, okay? Anyway, it's a great book - an easy read and I'd recommend it to anyone who... well, anyone. It's about being a follower of Jesus as opposed to a fan. Sometimes I feel like a fan.
Sometimes I am just a fan.
And other times I don't feel like I'm much of either. The truth is, I'd like to put time into my earthly relationships rather than the Eternal One. I'd rather surf Facebook than the New Testament and I'd like to hang out with girlfriends rather than small group.
But lucky for us, this world does not operate on my wants or desires but rather on His. We can't live according to our feelings and expectations but rather according to Truth.
So here I am, on this late Sunday evening thinking about the last few months and the next few to come and suddenly my anxieties and questions disappear. At the end of the day [literally] all I need is Jesus.
All I need is Him.
Goodnight, world.