I'll Miss You

Dear Personal Blog, 

Because I'm expected to write more often on my World Race Blog, you're going to have to take a back seat. I know things like this are hard for you and I, as we prefer to ride shot-gun. But don't worry, I'll be posting the same type stuff right here and you can go there and read it anytime. I may even post the same articles on here from time to time. Yes, you'll have to share now and again. 

I love you dearly, Personal Blog, but I'd really love you more if you clicked here and took a gander at my official blog as a SEPTEMBER 2012 Route-1 WORLD RACER!!! :)

With all the love in my heart, 

11 N 11

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oh, how I cannot wait to share this post with you. To tell you what God has done.
what He has said.
what He has ordained.

My hope is that in a few days I will be able to post this blog explaining to you that the Lord has called me on what I believe will be the journey of a lifetime. A journey that will take me all over the world in 11 short months. A journey that will make me desperate for His power. A journey called The World Race. In the mean time, I want to tell you what He has already begun to muster up in me.

3 months ago I found out about WR and began to pray casually about it. A month ago I began to pray more consistently about it. 2 weeks ago I began to pray seriously about it. I'll say this: 2 months ago, anytime that sneaky World-Race-thought tried to surface, I pushed it right back down to the bottom of the prayer request list... where it belonged. As much as I love mission trips and traveling the world, no freaking way was I willingly leaving my parents, bed, clothes, shoes, income, and TV for a year. Sorry God, not happening.

He must've thought that was cute of me.

Because here I am, 60ish days later addressing the issue that is burning my heart to ashes. I'll be honest. This scares the ba-gee-beez out of me. I'm totally cool with leaving my bed and TV and I'm slowly accepting that I have to leave so many clothes and shoes behind. I've not, however, come to grips with leaving my family behind. I know it's still early and that the Lord is not done  preparing me or them for this big step.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My interview for World Race was at 8:30am today. My phone rang at 8:28am. Thankfully I talked to Darci, a girl I had already been in contact with about WR so I felt comfortable with her. They want a doctor's release for my back. That shouldn't be a problem.

I will know if I have been accepted or not in the next 7 days. Oh, did I mention that in 7 days, at 6:00am I fly out to Haiti? Come. On. People. This is too much.... LONGEST.week.EVER.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a fraud.
If I get on a kick about something and when it dies down, I'm done with it.
While I know that to be true about some things in my life, I'm not so sure this is one of them.
When I had first began to pray "consistently" about WR, I found myself becoming more and more passionate every time I told someone about it. Not that I was praying about it, but just the opportunity of 11 countries in 11 months. Hesitantly, I asked Him, "Lord... if this is You, if this is really You calling me to abandon everything I know and travel for a year, then prove it. Don't let this passion in me die. In fact, make me even more enthusiastic tomorrow."

I'll say this: nothing has died down.

Sure, in the week I have been waiting for everything to be confirmed, the enemy has had a field day in my mind. From bachelorette weekends with my girlfriends - to dinner with people and the relationships I have been building with them - to the black kids I consider to be mine - I'm reminded of the very reasons I enjoy life here so much. And it's certainly not an easy task to die to your self every day. Well, it's death - and death is never easy.

I called Laura (the coolest Haiti missionary eva ... and, oh yeah, my bff). "Laura, remind me that I'm not crazy and that it's going to be worth it." I think God put Laura in my life for the sole purpose of speaking the right words at the right time. "Ashli. Ashli. Just listen to me. Fun weekends and shopping sprees and all the things we love as girls are great. They're so fun, they are. But at the end of your life, what value do they have? I love you and..." click. Stupid Haitian phone towers. I know what she meant. There is nothing wrong with having fun. But there is also NOTHING wrong with giving it up for a year to follow Jesus to 'all the nations.'

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I arrived in Haiti today. Laura asked me to guest post on her blog this week. I will share it with you and I can't wait.

Friday, March 9, 2012

I got home from Haiti late last night. I'm waiting to post this blog until I can tell all of my family about WR. I can't wait. The process seems to be flying by. I have an official WR blog and it's http://ashliblackwell.theworldrace.org/ so you'll want to follow me there. I need to start fund raising ASAP seeing as how I have to raise about $18,000. That number can be intimidating but I refuse to see it that way. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord has called me to this and will therefore exercise His perfect provision. More details about WR to come... but for now,

This is me giving you permission to begin praying NOW :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm scared to death to post this blog. As if me posting this makes my commitment to World Race official or something. My countries are:

1. Zimbabwe/Botswana
2. Swaziland
3. South Africa
4. India
5. Philippines
6. China
7. Ukraine 
8. Moldova
9. Honduras
10. Nicaragua
11. Costa Rica/Panama 

Question? What are some creative ways to raise funds for this bad boy?? Feel free to comment your ideas, opinions, encouragement, and prayers! I love getting your feedback!!

With SO much love,
Ashli :)