Provision : Not the Prosperity Gospel - Part 2

Ya know how we ask God for these things and sometimes in the back (or front) of our minds we're like, "Oh shoot I hope this prayer works!" Maybe it's just me. And maybe you think it's a lack of faith. Maybe you would feel better about my blogs if I said things like, "I'm believing God for big provision." Because that would make it sound like my faith is really strong and I would never, ever doubt that He's going to give me what I want.

Well, I'm here to write the truth and the truth is that sometimes I pray things to God and hope in my heart that He's actually going to do it.

So with worry on my mind and prayers in my heart, I began to tell the world about a mission trip to Panama that Alonso and I would go on this month.

What am I doing? I don't even have enough to live here ... much less travel to another country for a week to do mission work there.

But some little whisper in my heart told me to try anyway. To go for it ....

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. It had been so long since I had fundraised. For the World Race I had lots of supporters and many of them were committed to monthly donations so I didn't have to 'beg for money' very often. But now with an upcoming mission trip I would need to, not only support-raise for myself, but for Alonso too.

{Just so you know, their culture is very different in that they do not do a great job of sending out missionaries. They don't send support letters and watch as the checks pile in. They don't mention their calling to someone at church and have church members beg to support their work. It's very different. So any and all of support comes from the States, with the exception of the pastries I sold at school.}

The more I thought and prayed about it all, the more I hoped the funds would come in so we wouldn't have to cancel our trip. I'll be honest and say there was this part of me that truly wondered what would happen with all of this. So on April 1 I posted a blog about our trip and the ministry we will be serving with .... hoping .... waiting .... wishing .... praying that donations would roll in easily.

April 1st ... nothing.

April 2nd ... nothing.

To read part 3 of this blog series, click here

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